Taking Steps

Taking Steps – 12th to 15th February 2020

CSODS Presents – Taking Steps – 12th – 15th February.

When tongue-tied solicitor Tristram has to oversee the sale of a dilapidated country house (said to be haunted by a deceased prostitute), he soon realises he’s way in over his head; not only with the scheming builder Leslie Bainbridge, but with his difficult, alcoholic client Roland Crabbe. That same night, Roland’s wife Elizabeth, has called over her unwilling brother Mark to support her, as she’s planning on leaving her husband. Misunderstandings multiply when Mark’s shrinking-violet fiancée Kitty, is added to the mix. Confusion is set all over three storeys, but for the audience everything happens on the single level of the stage in this hectic and hilarious farce by a master playwright.

Taking Steps will be at Sheringham Little Theatre between 12th and 15th February 2020, with nightly performances at 7.30pm and a matinee on Saturday 15th at 2.30pm. Tickets £12/£13.