Welcome, please find below character synopsis and auditions pieces
Sunday 17th November 2024
Click a tab for info (please make sure you sign the signature box on gift form):
Willy Wonka / Candy Man
Willy Wonka is an enigmatic character; at once mysterious and mischievous but also charismatic. The actor should be able to be funny and serious and change between the two at a snap. Wonka will double as the Candy Man
Gender: Male
Charlie Bucket
Charlie Bucket is the emotional heart and soul of the musical. The actor performing Charlie should have an unchanged voice and lots of pluck and enthusiasm. Charlie is in nearly every scene, so stamina is key in such a sizable role. Charlie should be a great singer, excellent actor, and hopefully reads as younger onstage.
Gender: Male
Grandpa Joe
Grandpa Joe is the grandfather we all wish we had when we were Charlie's age. He is caring, patient, sweet, and always reminds Charlie to look on the bright side. The on stage relationship between Charlie and Grandpa Joe is integral. The role sings a bit, but the singing is secondary to the actor's solid acting skills.
Gender: Male
Mrs. Bucket
This is a great role for a female with good vocals, and is a natural nurturer. Mrs. Bucket can double as an Oompa-Loompa in the second half of the show.
Gender: female
Grandma Josephina & Georgina and Grandpa George
Charlie's three grandparents are mainly non-singing character roles. Cast performers that are innately interesting, who have good comic timing and are solid actors.
Gender: female x 2 & 1 male
Mrs Green
A frequent walk on part with dialogue (no solo song). Mrs Green is a street seller, some comic timing required
Gender: Female
Jerry Jubilee
Jerry is the News desk anchor. Typical larger than life American News anchor . Jerry is “cheese” with a capital C. Plays it out to the audience
Gender: Male
Cherry Sundae
Jerrys reporting side kick, an over the top glamorous reporter for the news channel reporting live as each golden ticket is revealed. Australian accent preferred.
Gender; Female
Augustus Gloop, Mike Teavee, Violet Beauregarde, Veruca Salt.
It is my intention that these characters will be played by young adults (18-25)
I AM NOT LOOKING TO CAST CHILDREN IN THESE ROLES. These are all very specific characters, and all very irritating. You will need to demonstrate the individual characteristics that define your character from the start of
Augustus Gloop
Augustus is the overachieving eater. The character will be required to wear a fat so for the duration of being on stage. The song is on the difficult side, but does not need to be sung with a polished pretty voice, in fact, the more character the better. Bavarian accent required
Gender: male
Mrs. Gloop
Mrs. Gloop is Augustus' mother who has overindulged her son with food. She accompanies Augustus on the tour of the factory. The role requires a character actress who isn't afraid to take positive risks both in her acting and her singing. Bavarian accent required
Gender: female
Mike Teavee
For this adaptation Mike is not just a TV junky. He is also addicted to video games, the Internet and any other mindnumbing technological device. Mike is bratty, loud and obnoxious. He does not understand the word "no." American accent required
Gender: male
Ms. Teavee
Ms. Teavee is a take on all television moms of the distant past. Marion Cunningham (Happy Days) She's a bit vacant. American accent required
Gender: female
Violet Beauregarde
Gum chewer extraordinaire and Instagram sensation, Hollywood based, with TV and Instagram fame. A blue collar bratt. Southern American accent would be desirable
Gender: female
Mr. Beauregarde
Mr. Beauregarde: Violet's father, who is just as competitive and boastful as his daughter.He is obsessed with her success and is eager to capitalize on her newfound fame. His accent should match Violet's and the two should make a good pair onstage.
Gender: male
Veruca Salt
Veruca is wealthy, upper-class, and completely spoiled. With a high British accent. Veruca's solo is deceptively tricky and comes late in the show, Veruca should contrast sharply with Violet Beauregarde.
Gender: female
Mr. Salt or Mrs Salt (could possibly adapt the role to become Mrs)
Mr. Salt's solution to most problems is to buy his way out. He is upper class, and portrayed with a high British accent.
Gender: male
Willy Wonka
Song - Candyman bar 1-51 including Monologue
Song – Pure Imagination to bar 38
Dialogue – Pages 4-6, 85 & 86 and 132 &133
Grandpa Joe
Song – Charlie You and I – full song
Song – I’ve Got a Golden Ticket – Bars 44-52
Dialogue – Page 11 & 12 and Page 26 & 27
Mrs Bucket
Song – If Your Father Were Here – (full song but cut bars 31-44 – dance break
Dialogue – Page 15 from “Put your bibs on” through to end of Page 17
Mrs Green
Dialogue - Pages 9 & 10
Jerry and Cherry
Dialogue – Pages 28 & 29 and Pages 60 & 61
Grandparents Josephine, George and Georgina
Pages 15 & 16 and Pages 21 – 24
Note: anyone auditioning for these 3 will be asked to come in as a 3 to audition
Parents and Children Audition’s – Important
In a change to the norm Martin would like all auditionees to audition as parent/child together – once all audition forms are in you will be given your pairs ahead of audition day.
Song – Duet – More of Him To Love bars 1-52
Dialogue – Pages 80-82
Song – When Veruca Says
Dialogue – Pages 103-104
Song - Queen of Pop Bars 1-60
Dialogue – Pages 91-93
Song – That Little Man of Mine – Mrs T Bars 1-51 & Mike Bars 52-69
Dialogue – Pages 99-101
ENSEMBLE & Oompa Loompa’s
Song – The Candy Man from bars 62-85 – stay with the tune throughout. (meaning you sing some of Willy Wonka’s bits) Jo will run through this with you on the 12th November at our sing through evening.
Charlie You and I - Full Song
Grandpa Joe Dialogue - Pages 11 & 12
Grandpa Joe Dialogue - Pages 26 & 27
I've Got A Golden Ticket - Bars 44-52
Jerry and Cherry Dialogue - Pages 28 & 29
Jerry and Cherry Dialogue - Pages 60 & 61
If Your Father Were Here
Mrs Bucket Dialogue - pages 15-17
Mrs Green's Dialogue - Pages 9 & 10
Queen Of Pop - Beuregares - Bars 1-60
The Beauregarde's Dialogue - Pages 91-93
Gloops Dialogue - Pages 80-82
More of Him to Love - Gloops Bars 1-52
Grandparents Dialogue - Josephine, George and Georgina - pages 15 & 16
Grandparents Dialogue - Josephine, George and Georgina - Pages 21-24
The Salts Dialogue - Pages 103-105
When Veruca Says - Salts - Full Song
Mike Teavee Dialogues - Pages 99-101
Mrs Teavee Dialogue - Pages 119 & 120
That Little Man Of Mine - Teavees - Mrs T Bars 1-51 & Mike Bars 52-69
Pure Imagination
The Candy Man Song
Willy Wonka Dialogue 1 -Monologue in Candy Man
Willy Wonka Dialogue 2 - Pages 85 & 86
Willy Wonka Dialogue 3 - Pages 132 & 133