Our Society has a number of Friends who, in return for a small annual subscription, become part of our CSODS family.  They get our regular and extremely entertaining newsletter The JAM (Just A Minim), access to the Members' pages of our website and our Members' Facebook page, are invited to all our social events and enjoy priority booking rights for all our productions.

In addition, as a special bonus for all our Friends, you will be entitled to a FREE PROGRAMME when you come and support any of our shows.

As an introductory offer, new Friends will pay ONLY £5 for their first subscription and this will secure them as a Friend until our annual subscription renewal date in April 2024.  After that, the minimum subscription will be £10 p.a.

If you’d like to support us in this way, all you have to do is complete the application form below and send it to our Treasurer together with a cheque for £5 payable to CSODS or a with note to say that you have paid it by BACS.

Peter Howell, Dairy Farmhouse, Wroxham Road, Coltishall, Norfolk NR12 7AH

or email it by clicking here